Indian Newspaper Archives
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

While searching for a article I came to a new online world of newspaper archiving. It gives us the glimpse of history, as it happened. It is really funny sometime to see how the predictions, political statements broke false with time.
Here is the list of free or pay, digital online Indian newspaper archives. Most were scanned from microfilm and stored in a gif/jpg/pdf format. Newer newspaper are available as full text that can be cut and pasted.
Here are the
original first page prints of Times of India during the historical time-line of India.
Google also archives many newspaper now. See here the
article published in Times magazine in 1971.
The Times of India from year 2000•
The Hindu from year 2000•
Indian Express from year 1997
Posted by Sandesh
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How DreamWorks make movies

It's sure that every time when you see a new-generation animated movie, you puzzle over how they did it! How they made the environment, characters in movie so realistic, so close to real life! Take 'Shrek', a lodestar of it.
Now 'DreamWorks' The makers of movies like Shrek and Madagaskar are
explaining the process of animated CG movie making. Take a look!
Posted by Sandesh
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Apple iPhone
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Apple has recently
launched a new interesting gadget, iPhone. It was also a most waited one and it's lived up to it.

Baicly iPhone fails in smart phone category but it is more than that. iPhone is a widescreen iPod with touch controls that lets you enjoy all your content — including music, audiobooks, videos, TV shows, and movies — on a beautiful 3.5-inch widescreen display. It also lets you sync your content from the iTunes library on your PC or Mac. And then you can access it all with just the touch of a finger.
Multi-touchiPhone features the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse. It’s an entirely new interface based on a large multi-touch display and innovative new software that lets you control everything using only your fingers. So you can glide through albums with Cover Flow, flip through photos and email them with a touch, or zoom in and out on a section of a web page — all by simply using iPhone’s multi-touch display.
All in all it is a good device which i think will definatly pay every peny you spent.
Posted by Sandesh
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Another feat for ISRO, PSLV puts four satellites in orbit

"We have done it, we have done it well, we have done it correctly,"
ISRO Chairman G. Madhavan Nair said after the launch. "It was a successful textbook mission and our boys have done well."
ISRO left behind last years GSLV launch failure, with the successful lift off of PSLV rocket carrying four satellites at a time, marking India's capability of sending multiple satellites in orbit in single go. Also PSLV carries one the heaviest payload attempted by ISRO, it carries the heaviest CARTOSAT-2 satellite along with other 3.
This launch is a major milestone for ISRO 'cause this is the first time they've launched four satellites in one go and also testing re-entry capabilities with a Space Recovery Capsule (SRE) among them.
Now it is a patiently wait till 22nd January for SRE, which will start a new era in Indian space industry.
Posted by Sandesh
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