Indian Newspaper Archives
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

While searching for a article I came to a new online world of newspaper archiving. It gives us the glimpse of history, as it happened. It is really funny sometime to see how the predictions, political statements broke false with time.
Here is the list of free or pay, digital online Indian newspaper archives. Most were scanned from microfilm and stored in a gif/jpg/pdf format. Newer newspaper are available as full text that can be cut and pasted.
Here are the
original first page prints of Times of India during the historical time-line of India.
Google also archives many newspaper now. See here the
article published in Times magazine in 1971.
The Times of India from year 2000•
The Hindu from year 2000•
Indian Express from year 1997
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Posted by Sandesh
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4 Comments on 'Indian Newspaper Archives':
anyway enjoyed this.
Divakar, at 11:10 pm, December 04, 2007
Sandesh, at 10:48 am, December 05, 2007
I am trying to see if there are any archives of Indian express during he 1980s available with somebody.
I am looking for specific articles written by S Gurumurthy on the Ambani growth.
Can you give me some idea or help
hearram, at 5:39 pm, July 10, 2008
I am trying to see if there are any archives of Indian express during he 1980s available with somebody.
I am looking for specific articles written by S Gurumurthy on the Ambani growth.
hearram, at 5:40 pm, July 10, 2008
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