Another feat for ISRO, PSLV puts four satellites in orbit
Thursday, January 11, 2007

"We have done it, we have done it well, we have done it correctly,"
ISRO Chairman G. Madhavan Nair said after the launch. "It was a successful textbook mission and our boys have done well."
ISRO left behind last years GSLV launch failure, with the successful lift off of PSLV rocket carrying four satellites at a time, marking India's capability of sending multiple satellites in orbit in single go. Also PSLV carries one the heaviest payload attempted by ISRO, it carries the heaviest CARTOSAT-2 satellite along with other 3.
This launch is a major milestone for ISRO 'cause this is the first time they've launched four satellites in one go and also testing re-entry capabilities with a Space Recovery Capsule (SRE) among them.
Now it is a patiently wait till 22nd January for SRE, which will start a new era in Indian space industry.
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Posted by Sandesh
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2 Comments on 'Another feat for ISRO, PSLV puts four satellites in orbit':
Anonymous, at 10:55 am, January 16, 2007
Although the details yet to be declared.
Sandesh, at 11:56 am, January 22, 2007
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