Useful Firefox add-ons (Extentions)
Friday, August 25, 2006
I am using
Firefox from it's evolution, it came across way great! It's a free web browser with great support and customization. I need not to say more about it.
Make your Firefox more usefull with this handy add-ons (Extentions)
CustomizeGoogle: is a Google tweaking tool that enhance Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam). All features are optional and easily configured from the options menu.
- Use Google Suggest (suggest words while you're typing)
- Add links to competitors
- Rewrite links to point straight to the images in Google Images
- Remove ads
- Anonymize your Google userid
DictionaySearch: Just looks up a user selected word in an online dictionary. it use The Free Dictionary by default.
Web Developer: The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. This add-on suppose to be for a advance user.
Disable: The disable features allow the disabling of various features including the cache, JavaScript and page colors.- Imags: The images features provide various image related tools including finding broken images and outlining images.
- Information: The information features provide various informational tools including displaying element information and viewing the document size.
Posted by Sandesh
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Make online documents and spreadsheets with Google Writely
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Create Documents on the move: Now with help of
Google Writely you can create, edit or share your documents online from anywhere. It really helps the NetCafe users. Also you can save the documents in popular file formats including Word. You can upload spreadsheets or worksheets from CSV or XLS format - all your formulas and formatting will come across intact.
The amazing feature of Writely is that you can export your document in various file formats like PDF, RTF, ODT or Zip. It also has a
offsite storage plus data backup facility which takes backup after every 10 seconds makes hard drive failures and power outages no longer an issue.
Your collaborators will have instant access to shared documents once they sign into Writely. If they edit your document at the same time as you, a small message will appear in the editor. If you edit in the same place at the same time "and accidentally collide" one of you will get a notice to fix it. Control who can see your pages. You can publish to the entire world, just a few people or no one -- it's up to you. You can also un-publish at any time.
Use Writely to create your blog posts: You can format with Writely, and then post your documents on your blog with a click. You can edit and re-publish a blog post, or remove it entirely from within Writely.
Writely also has a very usable feature of "Comapre two versions". It is similar to CVS or SVN versioning. When you are not sure what changes have been made since the last time you looked at the document? You can compare two versions to find out.
Signup to Google WritelyAll you have to do is and start using. As simple as that.
Posted by Sandesh
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Mumbai TV audience suffering
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It's the second day since Cable operators from Mumbai and and other cities of Maharshtra left TV screens on blink. Cable channels across the city went on the blink, leaving millions of Mumbaikars staring aghast at snow on their TV sets.
It's said that the blackout is to protest raids by the Social Service branch on cable operators in which they sealed the decoders of nine television channels including that. The raids were conducted because cops said cable operators were showing adult films on TV.
But who are suffering between this war, it is the audience. Because Police banned only nine or something channels but cable operators closed broadcasting of all satellite channels living only Doordarshan's channels on live. It is the harassment of viewers who pay regularly to cable operators. By my opinion viewers should not pay whole fees of this month to operators, what you think?
Posted by Sandesh
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Play all your media types in a single player
Monday, August 21, 2006
Are you fade of maintaning two or more palyers for different media types files? here is the utility that makes life easy.
XP Codec Pack is one of the most complete codec pack which helps you to play all major audio and video formats. To complete your multimedia experience, instead of 3 or 4 different players you get one, simple integrated player named '
Media player classic' that plays almost all audio and video files. You can freely
download and use this software for personal purposes.
- AC3Filter 1.09a
- AVI Splitter
- CDXA Reader
- CoreAAC (AAC DirectShow Decoder) 1.2.0
- CoreFlac Decoder 0.4
- FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2004.10.12
- GPL MPEG-1/2 Decoder
- Matroska Splitter
- Media Player Classic rev. 609
- OggSplitter/CoreVorbis
- RadLight APE Filter
- RadLight MPC Filter
- RadLight OFR Filter
- RealMedia Splitter
- RadLight TTA Filter
- The Codec Detective 2.0
- VSFilter (DirectVobSub) 2.37
Some features:- clean & compact
- no spyware / adware / viruses included
- easy to use
- easy to install / uninstall
- 100% legal
- 100% freeware!
Posted by Sandesh
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India Independence Day on Google

Google India celebrates Indian independance day by changing it's doodle sign on 15th August.
Posted by Sandesh
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Indians are learning Chinese
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

印地安人学会中文 = Indians are learning Chinese
According to a
report Indians are keen to learn chinese. I think this is a good sign for business comunity, both contries have a great chunk of world population it means a large consumer base.
It will be benifit both if people starts business between these two giant economies.
Posted by Sandesh
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