Make online documents and spreadsheets with Google Writely

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Create Documents on the move: Now with help of Google Writely you can create, edit or share your documents online from anywhere. It really helps the NetCafe users. Also you can save the documents in popular file formats including Word. You can upload spreadsheets or worksheets from CSV or XLS format - all your formulas and formatting will come across intact.

The amazing feature of Writely is that you can export your document in various file formats like PDF, RTF, ODT or Zip. It also has a offsite storage plus data backup facility which takes backup after every 10 seconds makes hard drive failures and power outages no longer an issue.
Your collaborators will have instant access to shared documents once they sign into Writely. If they edit your document at the same time as you, a small message will appear in the editor. If you edit in the same place at the same time "and accidentally collide" one of you will get a notice to fix it. Control who can see your pages. You can publish to the entire world, just a few people or no one -- it's up to you. You can also un-publish at any time.

Use Writely to create your blog posts: You can format with Writely, and then post your documents on your blog with a click. You can edit and re-publish a blog post, or remove it entirely from within Writely.

Writely also has a very usable feature of "Comapre two versions". It is similar to CVS or SVN versioning. When you are not sure what changes have been made since the last time you looked at the document? You can compare two versions to find out.

Signup to Google WritelyAll you have to do is and start using. As simple as that.

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