Yahoo mail India Beta!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Now no need to tweak with your Content preferences, Yahoo India is offering Yahoo mail Beta. When you login to your Yahoo India mail a Message will appear to switch Yahoo mail Beta. Don't worry you can also switch back from Beta to normal email. So just give it a change.

Yahoo mail betaBeta version of Yahoo mail has a good and clean layout. Yahoo guys did a hard and good job, but still it is beta. It uses AJAX so takes some time to load. Also it will only work in new breed of browsers. Some good features has been added like: RSS feeds, Message Preview, Complete list of mails, Auto load new messages.

So all-in-all, Layout seems pretty nice but If speed improves, the overall experience will be much greater.
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Posted by Sandesh
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2 Comments on 'Yahoo mail India Beta!':
Anonymous, at 11:21 am, September 14, 2006
Have you tried using all new yahoo mail again recently? It seems to have improved a lot...
Anonymous, at 11:35 am, June 25, 2008
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